Digital Leadership Academy
Technology is changing our lives more and more every day, and our students need to be prepared to not only navigate the digital era, but to be leaders.
We are integrating more technology in the classroom, so students have a mix of teacher-led and technology-led lessons. Our students' understanding of technology will evolve from using it as a toy to using it as a tool that can improve their lives.
Silverton will also continue their commitment to the Leader in Me program, which is built on Dr. Stephen Covey's "Seven Habits of Highly Effective People." Students develop and practice timeless leadership and life skills, such as critical thinking, problem-solving, responsible decision-making, conflict-resolution management and collaboration.
What Does This Mean for Students?
Silverton Elementary students will benefit from:
- A full-time technology teacher running a state-of-the-art Digital Leadership Technology Lab, which includes coding instruction and robotics
- One laptop or tablet per student, interactive boards — plus a new 3D printer in the school
- Blended learning with a mix of face-to-face teacher-led and digital-led instruction, encouraging deeper learning.
- Direct instruction and activities to help students learn and internalize the "7 Habits of Highly Effective Kids"
- A variety of extra-curricular activities, such as DEAL (Drop Everything And Lead) clubs — where EVERY student participates in a leadership club during the school day
- Monthly student led Town Hall assemblies
- Improved, responsible use of technology by adhering to a digital code of conduct