Extracurricular Activities
After-school programs and extracurricular activities provide a richer environment to help students learn and grow. At Silverton Elementary, students have access to a variety of programs and activities to explore their interests. Program offerings are of a wide range of enrichment activities in order to improve academic achievement and reduce risk-taking behaviors.
Siverton's extended learning program includes an award-winning show choir, dance ensemble, band, junior choir, student council, art programs, and tutoring. Additionally, Silverton has partnered with The Children's Home of Cincinnati to offer Afterschool Programming five days per week (2:15–6 p.m. Monday–Friday). Afterschool programs are interchangeable, allowing students the opportunity to participate in more than one activity as space and time allow. Programming includes the following.
Men Organized Respectful and Educated (M.O.R.E.)
M.O.R.E. is an after-school group for boys that is designed to strategically support and promote measurable improvements in academic achievement, promotion rates, graduation rates, and college readiness, with an emphasis on developing strong character. The content of M.O.R.E. consists of Academic Support, Social Skills Development, College & Career Awareness, Financial Literacy, and Health & Wellness.
Contact: Mrs. Boggs
Tutoring — Extended Learning Program
ELP Tutoring is funded by CPS with the help of federal funding.
Contact: Ms. Fuqua
Boy Scouts
Leaders from the Daniel Beard Boy Scout Council lead boys to select and complete activites for a merit badge. Grades 5 and 6.
Instrumental music is alive and well at Silverton at the Intermediate level. Instruction happens during fine arts periods during the school day.
Advisors: Mr. Huhtala, Mr. Underwood
Junior Choir
A great opportunity for Silverton's younger Primary students.
Contact: Mr. Underwood
Dance Ensemble
Celebrating its 31st year, the Dance Ensemble focuses on multiple dance disciplines, jazz, ballet, interpretive, to entertain families and friends and teach students self-discipline and athletic fitness.
Show Choir
Also celebrating its 31st year is the Show Choir. Open to 4th, 5th and 6th grade students by audition, the Show Choir is featured at two community performances each year.
Contact: Mrs. Kelly, Mrs. Gover
Student Lighthouse Team
Students in grades 4-6 become involved in fundraising and promoting school spirit while developing a sense of leadership and responsibility.
Contact: Mrs. Suer